The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Giving Tuesday Donation Match – Point B Will Match 50-Cents For Every Dollar Donated Up to $10,000
While the Teddy Bear Suite looks a little different again this year, our commitment to fundraising and the even greater needs this year because of the pandemic, have once again energized us to make a big Giving Tuesday fundraising boost in our drive to raise $50,000. Point B will match 50% of all online donations up to $10,000 on Giving Tuesday, November 30th. You can donate here.
For every dollar donated online Giving Tuesday, Point B Realty will make a matching contribution of 50-cents per dollar. All money raised goes directly to support the vital Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club After School food program, Healthy Happy Kids, which helps keep so many children fed and happy on our Island. Our goal is to raise $50,000 — enough to pay for the entire food program! Donate Now.

The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Giving Tuesday Donation Match – All Money Raised Supports The H2K Food Program
Food insecurity on Martha’s Vineyard continues to be a big issue, made worse by the pandemic. In addition to the food the children eat while at the Club, they are also able to take home a meal for dinner too. The H2K program is making a real difference for the children on our Island. We’ve seen it in action and it’s working, which is why we are such strong supporters and fundraisers for this vital program.
The Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club not only counts on the Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser to keep this food program going but also growing. On Giving Tuesday, your donation is worth 50% more. We’d be honored to have your support. Donate Now.
The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser – Teddies Around Town Outdoor Holiday Scavenger Hunt
With an abundance of caution, we’ve modified this year’s Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite. In lieu of our magical in-person Teddy Bear Suite fun, we’ve partnered the Edgartown Board of Trade and 20 businesses in the Village for Teddies Around Town — an outdoor, holiday scavenger hunt with a cause.
The Christmas in Edgartown Elf on the Shelf is now Teddies Around Town, a fun, outdoor, safe, and meaningful scavenger hunt with a cause – to support the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club.

For three weekends in December, kids of all ages can participate in Teddies Around Town. In 20 Edgartown business storefront windows, you will find a bear hidden somewhere in the window display. Find the bears, stamp your riddle sheet, and be ready for a beary fun surprise when you’re done. Last year’s event was a great success. The starting and finishing point is the Point B Realty office at 19 Winter Street, in downtown Edgartown. For more about Teddies Around Town, click here.
Our website MVTEDDYBEARSUITE.COM is the home of all things fundraising and Teddy Bear Suite related. And if you use social media, our hashtag is #myteddybearsuite which will automatically add your pictures to our Teddy Bear Suite social media photo feed!