How exciting – we’re celebrating our 5th Annual Teddy Bear Trot and Fun Run! Do YOU have your festive attire ready for the Christmas in Edgartown fun run? From elf hats, to festive socks, and my favorite, tutus, this event continues to be a memorable event.

We added the Teddy Bear Trot to the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser as a fun, healthy way to help raise more money for the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club, and its vital Healthy Happy Kids food program. Now, this family-friendly 5K Run & Walk which includes a 1-mile fun run for all ages, has become a big part of many people’s holiday tradition on Martha’s Vineyard.
5th Annual Teddy Bear Trot And Fun Run – New Route
This year, we have a new route for the Teddy Bear Trot. We are beginning at the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club, 44 Robinson Road, Edgartown, and keeping with tradition, running through town. Part of the reason this run is so fun is that it goes through Edgartown. It truly makes it a little more special.

5th Annual Teddy Bear Trot And Fun Run Register Today For Early Bird Incentive
If you register today, the 5K is $25 (Fun Run is $10), and the day of the race it is $30. To register, click here. Remember that by registering early, you are guaranteed one of our beary fun sports performance shirts. Also, wait until you see the prizes for the winners this year, including Chilmark Coffee, and Perfect Vineyard Day items!

Teddy Bear Trot Award Categories
The age groups for Male/Female medals are:
12 and under, 13-15, 16-19, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80 and up.

Don’t forget that the most festively dressed male/female will receive something as well. So, dress in your holiday best! Plus it adds to the spirit of the event!

Kids Fun Run * Start Time: 9:15 a.m. *Ages 10 & Under
5K Run * Start Time: 9:30 a.m.
Bib pick up is on December 14th, 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club.
Celebrate the spirit of the season by providing the most basic of needs to almost 800 Island school children. Together, we can help hundreds of Island kids know that they will not go hungry during the school week when they’re at the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club. Together we can help kids enjoy being kids. Click here to make a donation.

Visit MVTEDDYBEARSUITE.COM for all things fundraising and Teddy Bear Suite related, including the days and hours for 2019. And if you use social media, our hashtag is #myteddybearsuite which will automatically add your pictures to our social media photo feed!
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