The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite is so much more than a holiday event. It’s also an important fundraiser. For the fourth year, we are raising money to sponsor the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club’s Healthy Happy Kids program. Our goal is to fund the entire $45,000 it takes to run the H2K program. Our opening weekend has been strong, we hope to boost that momentum with our Giving Tuesday matching donations for the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser.

Giving Tuesday Matching Donations From Point B Realty
The opening weekend of the annual holiday fundraiser raised $3,200 and we thank everyone who supported the drive both in-person and online. To help power a big fundraising day on Tuesday, Point B Realty has a special Giving Tuesday matching contribution program that will boost the value of your donation by 50%.

For every dollar donated online Tuesday, December 3rd, Point B Realty will contribute 50-cents per dollar, up to a total of $5,000 in matching Point B contributions. All money raised goes directly to support the vital Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club After School food program, which helps feed hundreds of elementary school-aged children every day. Donate Now.

Won’t you help us cover the basic need of food for so many Island children?Every dollar donated goes directly to the Club. Point B has completely underwritten the cost of the #mvteddybearsuite.
What your donation provides for hundreds of Island children
$50 feeds 25 children for one day
$100 feeds 50 children for one day
$200 feeds all the children for one day
$1,000 feeds one child from September to June
Giving Tuesday Matching Donations Support H2K Food Program
Many of the children that come to the Club for the after school program, also receive assistance with food at school. If they are not eating at school or the Club, chances are there is a lack of food, especially nutritious, good food to help them stay healthy, which the Club provides every day.
On Giving Tuesday, your donation is worth 50% more. We thank you for your support. Donate Now.

Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Hours:
There are still two more weekends to enjoy the magic of the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite.
December 7th – 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
December 8th – 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
December 13th – 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
December 14th – 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
December 15th – 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Our website MVTEDDYBEARSUITE.COM is the home of all things fundraising and Teddy Bear Suite related. And if you use social media, our hashtag is #myteddybearsuite which will automatically add your pictures to our Teddy Bear Suite social media photo feed!