The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite made a triumphant return with a big splash of festive excitement during the Christmas in Edgartown weekend. Hundreds of holiday visitors enjoyed the new outdoor setting and a return of in-person fun. Take a look as the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Opens With New Fun And Experiences

Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Opens With New Fun And Experiences – New Outdoor Setting Debut
New this year, we turned the main courtyard at Nevin Square into a Teddy Bear wonderland, complete with three large bubble house igloos that hosted some of our large Teddy Bears having all kinds of fun.

There were many popular spots for Teddy Bear selfies and family fun, but no doubt the crowd favorite was the new, full-size Teddy Bear Hot Tub.

One of the other two bear igloos hosted a classic Christmas scene while the other found the bears enjoying a little holiday meal.

Visitors found Teddy Bear Suite photo ops and experiences everywhere they turned.

Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Opens With New Fun And Experiences – Teddy Bear Suite Photo Studio

And speaking of photo ops, the new MV Teddy Bear Suite Photo Studio was a very popular stop with a new twist on an old Teddy Bear Suite tradition. We mixed a room full of bears with some professional lighting and invited anyone with an iPhone or other camera to come capture their own magic.

We enjoyed watching hundreds of children of all ages snuggling in and getting some of those classic memories.

Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Opens With New Fun And Experiences – Name The Big Bear + Bear Raffle

One of our Teddy Bear Suite traditions that went on hiatus for two years, roared back onto the scene. We added our 10th, bigger-than-life Big Bear, and heard from hundreds of you on your top choice for a new name. Nevin (as in Nevin Square) turned out to be the winning name, just edging out Squibby and Norton (all previous Big Bears have had an island-connected name, one way or the other).

For the first time in our 12-year history, we decided to raffle off our new Big Bear (after all, in addition to having some festive fun, the Teddy Bear Suite is all about raising money for a vital cause – see more below). The raffle was a huge hit — our most successful ever! Thank you to all who participated!

Jill Engerman of Edgartown was our Big Bear raffle winner! While she had heard about the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite, this was her first actual visit! Congratulations Jill and thank you and all the others for your support!
Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Opens With New Fun And Experiences – Christmas In Edgartown Parade

Point B and its Teddy Bear family are normally a main anchor in the Christmas In Edgartown parade. This year, the iffy weather forced us to pass on driving our traditional convertible MINI Coopers loaded with lots of bears and gummy bear candy. But it gave us time to actually enjoy the parade as spectators for once, with a front-row Teddy Bear Suite seat at our offices in Nevin Square., as the parade headed up Winter Street.

Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Opens With New Fun And Experiences – Fundraising Drive Continues
In addition to all the festive fun of the actual in-person Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite, our ultimate goal is to raise enough money to fund Healthy Happy Kids — the core food security program at the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club. Our fundraising goal is $50,000 and through Sunday, we’re almost halfway there, with $23,300+
In the first 11 years, we’ve raised $318,000 to support the Club and its vital lifeline to the Island community and its children. Food security continues to be a major issue impacting hundreds of Vineyard children and their families.

As the founding sponsor of the core Food Security program, we’ve seen this program not only get off the ground but continue growing and making a huge positive impact on the Vineyard. The Club now serves an average of 1,200 prepared meals and snacks every week. In the last year, it has provided 50,000 prepared meals and snacks to members and families. Those are impressive numbers. This fall, the Club began providing packaged family meals during school vacations and weekends. And this month, it launched the Blue Door Pantry which provides members and families with perishable and non-perishable food, hygiene products, and even some essential clothing.

If you’d like to help this Island we all love so much, we’d be honored if you would donate online. Donations are secure and tax deductible. DONATE HERE.