The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite is so much more than a holiday event. It’s also an important fundraiser. For the fourth year, we are raising money to sponsor the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club’s Healthy Happy Kids program. Our goal is to fund the entire $45,000 it takes to run the H2K program, which is already changing food insecurity on Martha’s Vineyard.
Changing Food Insecurity On Martha’s Vineyard With The Culinary Club
On Wednesdays (ages 6 – 8) and Thursdays (ages 9 + up) at the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club, program assistant, Maria Moreira, hosts Culinary Club for the after school program.

This club does so much for the kids. Each week has a different theme. Currently, Maria is introducing the food of other countries. This is a great way to help the kids learn about other cultures and try new things.

It’s also a way to help kids learn how to prepare food and learn how to cook. These are skills that are so important in life, and what better way to learn than with friends. They are learning without even knowing it, because it’s so fun. The whole approach is changing food insecurity on Martha’s Vineyard.

Changing Food Insecurity On Martha’s Vineyard With Food From Other Cultures
For Maria, she has seen the kids involved become a lot more excited about trying new foods. For example, when I stopped by, the 6 to 8-year-olds were learning about France, French food, and were making Profiteroles! I don’t even know how to make these, and here they were making them! And guess what, they were really good!

Not only is it fun for the kids, but Maria has fun too. They are all learning together, trying new things, exploring and learning! It makes being at the Club’s after school program even more fun! Next month, the Culinary Club is going to explore Asian counties and food! If there are egg rolls, I want in!
Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club After School Program – So Much To Experience
Speaking of fun, not only is there Culinary Club, but kids play in the gym, on the playground, have access to computers for homework and fun, an art room, and more!

I am not sure, but I think it was fate. When I was there, there were two kids in the art room coloring TEDDY BEAR pictures! I couldn’t believe my luck! Sarah and MacKenzie made the cutest bear pictures ever, and I was at the Club because of the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite! Holiday serendipity!

Other creative things were happening too. Olivia and Ondine were busy playing with clay and having a great time!

Club volunteer, Nadia Sahila was managing the art room, and a friend came in for some math homework help. She was quick to sit and help him work out his math problems. It was wonderful to see them working together and he was happy. The Club offers so many resources to the kids who are there. It really is amazing just how much happens here and how important it is to the Island community.

By funding Healthy Happy Kids, the Club knows that they will have the food needed for the school year. The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite provides that security.

Won’t you help us cover the basic need of food for so many Island children?Every dollar donated goes directly to the Club. Point B has completely underwritten the cost of the #mvteddybearsuite. DONATE NOW.

What your donation provides for hundreds of Island children
$50 feeds 25 children for one day
$100 feeds 50 children for one day
$200 feeds all the children for one day
$1,000 feeds one child from September to June

Our website MVTEDDYBEARSUITE.COM is the home of all things fundraising and Teddy Bear Suite related. And if you use social media, our hashtag is #myteddybearsuite which will automatically add your pictures to our Teddy Bear Suite social media photo feed!