Giving Thanks For Giving Tuesday! With incredible support and generosity from individuals and businesses, the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite raised $18,078 on Giving Tuesday. What a great way to start this annual holiday fundraiser now celebrating its 10th year.

Giving Tuesday Point B Realty Donation Match
To encourage a generous Giving Tuesday, Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite sponsor Point B Realty, offered a 50% matching donation pledge up to $10,000. Between individuals and businesses, $12,051 was raised online on Giving Tuesday. The Point B Match was over $6,000!

This is the biggest kickoff to the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser to date! With additional online donation campaigns and the all new Teddies Around Town, we hope to meet and beat our goal of $25,000. With the momentum, we have, we may even be able to raise the usual goal of $45,000, which underwrites the entire Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club’s Healthy Happy Kids after-school free food program!

Teddy Bear Suite co-founder and Point B Owner/Principal Broker, Wendy Harman, decided to do the match to help get this year’s fundraiser off to a big start toward its goal this year. All the money raised goes directly to fund the vital Healthy Happy Kids after school food program at the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club. Food insecurity and childhood hunger are sadly real issues on the Vineyard. Healthy Happy Kids is a program that’s working and makes a difference, especially during these challenging times.
Giving Tuesday Raises $18,078 For The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser – Our List Of Thank You’s
There are lots of people to thank for their generous donations on Giving Tuesday. A heartfelt thank you for your support: Sandra Harman, John Talanian, James Shane, Bonnie Carter, Christopher Hall, John Rogaris, Geoffrey Chang, Colin Hoehn, Michael Beattie, Carol Blanchet, Christopher Roberts, Sarah Jane Hughes, Kevin Crowell, Maxwell Baker, Bridget Tobin, Andria Jason, Keita Young, Kathleen Wales, Frederica Carpenter, Michael Baker, Virginia Fall, Sarah Hibler, Javkhlan Tumurchudur, Chizu & Elias Mendoza, Stephanie Burke, Vineyard Style Magazine, Penelope Uhlendorf, Jennifer Scannell, Island Source MV, Edward Doherty, Brittanny Bradley, Beverly Fearey, Mark McGoldrick, Bradford Fligor, Leslie Look, Alex Salop, Tim Smith, Lucy Whittemore, and Harry Weiss, Kristin Buck.

Also, a special thanks to our Point B team members who donated as well: Jennifer DaSilva, Tina Miller, Trish Lyman, Erin Leighton, Kim Naylor, Judy Rogers, Melanie Rankow, and Sheylah Jordan.

Thank you everyone, now more than ever, your support for the Club is needed, and greatly appreciated!

If you’d like to help support the fundraiser and the kids of Martha’s Vineyard, you can donate online right here. For more information about Teddies Around Town, click here. For more information about the 6th Annual Teddy Bear Trot, Click here.

Also, thank you to all those who voted for us for Point B Realty for Best Real Estate Company 2020 and for the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Best Charity Event Runner-Up 2020, click here to vote for Best of the Vineyard 2021!