Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraising Record Year – A reason to celebrate this New Year! With the generosity of so many who donated, and the businesses who helped, the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser this year hit $45,030!

With this incredible accomplishment, the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club’s After School program, Healthy Happy Kids, which feeds one in three public school children, kindergarten thru eighth grade, on the island, can be completely funded for a school year.

Healthy Happy Kids Food Program
Thanks to the fundraising from the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite, hundreds of children will be able to have the opportunity to eat substantial, healthy snacks, and meals, at the Club. This program has been imperative to changing the whole After School Program for the better. Childhood hunger and food insecurity issues are big problems on the Vineyard. This program works and is having a big impact.

H2K has grown so much in its second year. The kids are now involved with meal planning and cooking. Families even have the opportunity to take bags filled with food, home on weekends. Island Grown Initiative overs fresh gleaned veggies, and the Boston Food Pantry has committed to supplying fresh produce to supplement daily needs.

Benefits of Healthy Happy Kids
Having access to food has led to an increase in all things good at the Club. More kids in the Homework Club, playing sports in the gym, doing art, and the Club is overall a more happy and fun place. It’s amazing what full bellies can accomplish in kids who are in need of so much as they are growing rapidly.

Food scarcity is a significant problem on Martha’s Vineyard, and sadly, so many children are affected by it. Knowing this and how important having such a basic need, as food met, we have worked harder than ever to achieve the $45,000 goal.

It is a sigh of relief to have this success. We as a company feel so invested in this program and addressing childhood hunger and food scarcity. Doing good and helping the community is woven into the fabric of Point B as a company. Knowing that the Club is set up for success with Healthy Happy Kids is so rewarding.

With this program funded, the Club can focus on other needs it faces, including training, fundraising, and additional staff. We could not be more grateful for the support of so many who made this possible. Thank you! Also, a special thanks to Nikki Sedacca for letting us use her Nevin Square space as this year’s teddy bear suite!

It’s amazing that the #mvteddybearsuite can accomplish this. Now in our eighth year, we have raised a total of $171,030 for the Martha’s Vineyard Boys & Girls Club.
The Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite
Planning for this magical holiday event is already underway. Achieving this goal this year has made us more passionate about addressing food scarcity on Martha’s Vineyard and having the community even more involved.

We can’t wait to see where we go with the Martha’s Vineyard Teddy Bear Suite Fundraiser in 2019!

Thank you again to all of you who have supported this event. From visiting the Teddy Bear

Our beloved bears are heading for hibernation at their bear retreat in Edgartown, but chances are you will see them again before next Christmas! For all
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